If you're borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement 如果你要借钱付首付的话,要提供一份完整的贷款协议副本。
That would be enough to make sure we fell within the parameters of our loan agreement. 那就足以确保我们符合贷款协议的范围。
These risks stem from borrower's risk, the property developer's risk, bank own risk, the risk initiated by the loan agreement and the risk initiated by the pawn. 这些风险包括源于借款人的风险、房地产开发商的风险、银行自身的风险、借款合同引发的风险和抵押物引发的风险。
No party other than the people's Republic of China shall derive any rights from the loan agreement or have any claim to the loan proceeds. 除中国外,任何组织不能从贷款协议中获得权利或取得贷款。
The English midfielder will return to the MLS team next month as scheduled after his loan agreement with AC Milan ends. 这位英格兰中场在他与AC米兰的租借期满后,按照预先安排将在下个月返回洛杉矶银河队。
I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. 我确认已阅读并了解这份贷款协议的条件与规定。
Drawdown a RMB Short Term Revolving Loan to repay the existing loan as per the attached CNY Loan Agreement. 按照所附的中国货币(民币)款协议,拨出一个自动展期的人民币短期循环贷款去偿还现有的贷款。
In signing the loan agreement, the Indian Finance Minister said repair, renovation and restoration of water bodies was a national priority. 在签署贷款协议时,印度财长说,对水体的修整和恢复是国家的重点。
Illegality clause: Clause in a loan agreement which allows the lender to ask for repayment of his funds if a change in national legislation obliges him to withdraw from the loan. 不合法(或违约)条款:贷款协定中的一项条款,允许贷款人在国家法规变化迫使其撤销贷款时,要求偿还他的资金。
A lender's right to demand payment of the outstanding balance of the loan at a time specified in the loan agreement. 贷方要求在贷款合同中规定的时间内付清剩余应付额的权力。
Unless the contrary is compelled by the context, everything contained in each Section applies equally to this entire Loan Agreement. 每个部分中包含的内容都同样适用于整个借款协议,除非其上下文禁止这样规定。
Irrevocable and Transferable Documentary Sight Letter of Credit ( Concerning the Supplemental Loan Agreement to the General Loan Agreement No BLA 99012) 不可撤销的,可转让的即期信用证(关于总贷款协议第BLA99012项下的分贷款协议)
This credit line is to be evidenced by a loan agreement. 本信贷额度将签订贷款协议。
Under the terms of the loan agreement with Queens Park Rangers for Michael mancienne, Michael has permission to play in the FA Cup for qpr, however the player is not permitted to play against Chelsea in the competition. 根据双方的租借协议,曼西恩内虽然可以代表女王公园巡游者队参加足总杯的比赛,但他并不能参加对阵切尔西的比赛。
Goodwill clause: A clause in a Paris Club loan agreement that commits the creditors to consider debt relief after the end of the stipulated consolidation period. 善意条款:巴黎俱乐部贷款协定中的一项条款,规定债权国在规定的合并期结束后进行债务减免。
Construction projects financed by international financial organisations and awarded through international tendering process in accordance with the provisions of the loan agreement; 由国际金融机构资助并通过根据贷款条款进行的国际招标授予的建设项目;
It will become clear very soon that this loan agreement represents a net transfer of wealth from Athens to Berlin and not the other way round. 很快就会变得明显的是,这一贷款协议代表着财富从希腊向德国的净转移而不是相反方向。
Bisque clause: Clause in loan agreement that entitles a Borrower to postpone payments of interest and principal for limited periods of time in Balance of payments difficulties. 修正条款:贷款协定中的一项条款,它授权借款人在国际收支出现困难时,在一定时限内推迟还本付息。
The bank required collateral to secure the loan agreement. 银行得到了保证该项贷款协议的保证品。
The second chapter discusses the international syndicated loan procedures and involved main legal documents ( not include the international syndicated loan agreement), such as loan inventory, mandate letter, information memorandum. 第二章主要论述国际银团贷款程序以及各步骤中涉及的主要法律文件(不含国际银团贷款协议)。重点研究贷款条件清单、委任书和信息备忘录中的法律问题。
The fourth chapter studies the international syndicated loan agreement and its main clauses, such as conditions precedent, representation and warranties, covenants and sharing clauses. 第四章对国际银团贷款协议及主要条款进行分析,如国际银团贷款中的先决条件、陈述与保证、约定事项、资金分享条款。
It is believed that open-end loan agreement is an effective approach to utilize the policy-based finance. 认为开放式金融协议可成为使用政策性资金的有效形式。
The applicable law of international commercial loan agreement has already caused people's attention day by day in practice. 国际商业贷款协议法律适用问题在实践中已日益引起人们的重视。
The Part Three: The Reason for Relatively Developed Loan Agreement in Tang Dynasty. 第三部分:唐朝借贷契约相对发达的原因。
In the part of legal application on international syndicated loan agreement, it introduces the applicable law and the capacity of covenanting party, discusses the choice of applicable law to the loan agreement and the guarantee agreement respectively. 在对国际银团贷款协议的法律适用部分中,介绍了准据法和当事人缔约能力的基本情况,分别讨论了贷款协议和担保协议的准据法选择,最后还探讨了国际银团贷款的争议解决。
The bank and borrowers once complete signing of the project loan agreement, which means both parties agree to perform their respective obligation according to the agreement, the loan activity then enter into the project implementation. 世界银行(以下简称世行)与借款国一旦完成了项目贷款协议的签订,就意味着借贷双方同意按照协议规定履行各自的义务,贷款活动随即进入项目执行阶段。
The banks intend to protect their interests by the quality of companies accounting information and loan agreement. 银行具有依据企业会计信息质量、利用贷款合约条款来保护自身利益的意愿。